Friday, August 28, 2009


Like many others JAM is venturing into the workshop arena. After five odd years we have some experience in the field of visual thinking, visual design and graphic facilitation. We are working on a three to six day workshop that can be tweaked to reach different goals 4 different people...
4 instance:

* Daring to pick up a pen or pencil and using it to start solving your problems visually...on the spot!
*Using basic sketching skills to harvest information and find the connections between different element. Finding the things that fit together to make more then just the sum of its parts.
*Getting your visualizations skills to such a level that you can adapt them to almost any challenge...and save the world!

If you have any questions about the JAM school, or want to know if we can adapt our experience to your challenge, please contact wouter {at} visueeldenken {dot} com

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