Thursday, October 22, 2009

JAMOTION - meaning of JAM

JAM (1), to press, squeeze tight. 'Jam, to squeeze;'Jammed in between the rocks;

JAM (2), a conserve of fruit boiled with sugar. (Scand.?) In Johnson's Dict. Of uncertain origin, but most likely from Jam (1). it may mean a soft substance, resembling what has been chewed. 'And if we have any stronger meate, it must be chammed afore by the nurse, and so put into the babe's mouthe;

So... something squeezed in between opposing ends...resulting in a soft substance resembling something that has been chewed (CHAMMED>>).

JAM is in motion.
We are starting to feel more comfortable in our mostly emotionally organized naturally formed bee-hive that searches for meaning and ways to express that meaning in smart sketches for others. This last month we have been going through the motions of the WHY and HOW and are just finding out what elements bind us in hart and soul and which ones enable us to do what we do in the playground we call JAM.
The above placed picture is a sketch actually made after my father showed interest in the origin of the word JAM... I guess he (like many others) just wants to know what we mean with the word. His description gave more meaning to the word JAM than originally intended.
When we thought about a name for our company (2004) we came up with a catchy name that did not really mean anything, but which would conger up everyone's own delightful image of strawberry, sticky, sweet and jelly-like goodness;like the boys we were!
Now that the story of JAM is developing under our very minds, the actual origin of the word JAM starts to make more sense than its intended trigger-function. "To JAM" means to press, squeeze or push together something to such an extend that a fluid substance is the result. To purposely "JAM" together could mean that everyone who is "JAMMING" is working together to create a momentary fluid substance (some might call this JAZZ, we call it a sketch!) that is the result of pushing your talents together until creation happends.

So... we have moved from marketing-trigger to inspiring-story...
to be continued

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